
15 photos with the warmth and aroma of coffee

The warmth of Italy lies not only in the sun, sea and the smiles of local residents. Behind the scenes is always a cheerful mood and an incredible desire to talk, a passion for coffee is hidden - a drink that for Italians has become both a fuel and a source of vital energy. Nobody knows exactly how many cups of espresso and cappuccino are drunk in Italy in one day.

amenic181 /

It can be assumed that not less than the 60 million that reside in the country. Excluding very young children (everyone drinks coffee from small to large), but taking into account the tourists, this figure will turn out, or even more. Once again carefully: sixty million cups of coffee per day. And this is provided that everyone drinks one at a time.

Onizu3d /

In fact, locals drink 3-5 servings per day. So consider it.

JaroPienza /

The morning begins classically: coffee and a croissant.

Jessmine /

If an Italian brews coffee at home, then he does it in such coffee makers.

baranq /

After 10-11 in the morning, drinking coffee with milk (latte or cappuccino) is considered a bad manners. Therefore, during the day, Italians “invigorate” espresso or ristretto (the same espresso, but 2 times less and, accordingly, twice as strong).

From the last, the eyes open to the full and do not close for a very long time.

In summer you can treat yourself to a serving of cold coffee.

Adrian Baras /

Well, after a traditional Italian 4-hour dinner, the Italians themselves recommend drinking a cup of espresso, which will help the stomach cope with the load that has fallen on it.

Pinkyone /

Despite all the prejudices of Italians about when and what to drink, do not worry.

keko64 / Sergey_Bogomyako / doodko / Coffee Lover / papi8888 / bajinda /

Anywhere in Italy, you will always be prepared with the soul and with the proper skill the coffee that you order. And let it be an expensive restaurant in Milan or a buffet at a gas station in the mountains of Umbria, the taste of coffee will be saturated, and the aroma will be strong.

Share your coffee photos in the comments!

Watch the video: The $20,000 Residence on Etihad A380 (January 2025).

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